




学生必须具备有效评估客户的生物、心理、社会和生理需求的知识和能力.  除了, each student must be able to analyze the data in order to state a client’s problem, plan for a full range of independent and collaborative interventions, 安全执行护理计划, 评估所给予的护理和病人对护理的反应.   为了安全地照顾任何客户, 学生必须有观察力, 沟通, 电动机, 认知, 社会心理, and behavioral abilities sufficient to carry out the aforementioned responsibilities.  Technological compensation can be made for some disabilities in some of these areas, but a student must be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner.  使用训练有素的中介是不可接受的,因为学生的判断会受到其他人观察的影响.   下列能力和技能是符合护理课程要求的代表:

  1. Visual acuity with corrective lenses to identify such entities as cyanosis and absence of respiratory movement in clients; to read very fine, small print on medication containers and physicians’ orders; and to discern equipment calibrations.
  1. Hearing ability with auditory aids to understand the normal speaking voice without viewing the speaker’s face; hear monitor alarms, 紧急的信号, 客户来电, and telephones; auscultate or hear blood pressures, 和心脏, 肺, 血管, 用听诊器听腹部声音.
  1. 站立能力长时间站立的身体能力, 实施心肺复苏, 举起35磅或以上的客户和物体, 协调地从一个房间移动到另一个房间, 灵巧, 以及满足客户需求的移动性.
  1. 在解释治疗过程时,能够清晰准确地进行口头和书面沟通, 描述客户情况, 实施健康教学. Students must also write legibly and correctly in the client’s chart/record for legal documentation.
  1. Manual 灵巧 to perform and maintain sterile technique to insert catheters, 取血, 准备和管理药物(口服), 肌肉内的, 静脉注射), 改变酱, 以及其他照顾客户所需的程序. Fine 电动机 skills include those clinical skills essential for patient care such as, 但不限于, 操作设备, entering client data both with a pen/pencil and keying in information on a computer keyboard.
  1. 在有压力的条件下安全工作,能够适应不断变化的临床环境,包括客户护理.   如果学生不能达到上述要求, the faculty will meet to determine if the student can continue in the Nursing and Allied Health Program.

  不歧视声明mg游戏平台 does 不 discriminate on the basis of race, 信条, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 遗传信息, 年龄, 或越战时期的老兵身份在其项目和活动中. 如果你有体检的话, 学习, 或健康残疾,并希望要求住宿,以便合理地获得NMCC提供的项目和服务, 您必须通过207-768-2793联系咨询主任向ADA服务协调员注册, 位于克里斯蒂大楼的NMCC主校区.


申请 2024年秋季 课程将开始接受 2023年9月1日. 早期验收考虑, 申请和所有证明文件(成绩单), 建议, 等.)须于日期或日期前送交招生办公室 2023年12月31日.  我们强烈建议申请人尽快提交申请,以确保有足够的时间完成录取程序.  被录取的考生将收到以下通知 2024年3月.  NMCC不保留该计划的候补名单.  如果你不应该被选为当前的队列, 建议你提交一份明年的申请.


申请2023年秋季入学, all prerequisites must be successfully completed prior to the start of the fall 2023 semester with preference given to applications who have prerequisites completed by January 15, 2023.  The prerequisites 要求 for admission to NMCC’s Nursing program are:

  • College Algebra OR Quantitative Reasoning (Preferred grade of “B” or 3.0)
  • 英语作文(最好成绩为B或3).0)
  • 解剖学 & 生理学I带实验室(最好成绩为“B”或3.0)

*正在申请入学的尚未完成大学代数或定量推理课程的高中生, 英语作文与解剖学 & Physiology I with lab must meet the following high school equivalent prerequisites:

  • 代数I(最低成绩为“B”或3.0)
  • 英语(最低成绩为B或3).0)
  • 2 years of lab sciences with preference in Biology, Chemistry and 解剖学 & 生理学(最低成绩为“B”或3.0)


*申请人有责任将通过成人教育或其他大学的先决条件课程的最终成绩邮寄给招生办公室.  Applicants are strongly encour年龄d to follow up and ensure that all materials have arrived for your file.  另外, if you are currently enrolled in prerequisite courses and/or 要求 nursing general education courses, 确保招生委员会知道你的课程, 机构名称和预计完成日期.



The following must be submitted to the 招生 Office to be considered for admission (2023年12月31日为提前决定截止日期):

  • 正式高中 成绩单 或普通教育文凭(must have completed at least a high school level Biology and  Chemistry with labs 在过去的十年里; must also have had at least one year of algebra)
  • 官方学术 成绩单 来自所有就读的专上院校. * 无论是否正在寻求转移学分, 申请人必须披露之前就读的所有大学. 未能提供过去教育的所有信息可能构成取消录取资格或随后被学院解雇的充分理由,以及可能收回或拒绝提供经济援助资金.
  • 分班测试(可能需要):
    • ACCUPLACER -分数必须 meet or exceed the MCCS 建议 on all on all three sub-sections: Sentence Skills, 阅读理解, 和定量推理 OR
    • Scholastic Aptitude Test (evidence-based SAT) – score 480 or above Reading & 数学或写作500分或以上
    • 先前大学课程成功的证明
    • 请注意: Candidates who fail to meet the standard on placement testing will be deferred.
    • Recommendation requirements: As part of the application process for the Nursing Program at NMCC, you are 要求 to submit two (2) 参考文献 attesting to your motivation and commitment. 这些应该 送给亲戚, 而是对雇主, 前雇主, 指导顾问, 教练, 等.
      Please complete the top portion of the reference forms and submit them to the evaluator. 也, 我们鼓励您在每份表格上签署关于家庭教育权利和隐私法(公法93-380)的可选空间. The reference forms are to be returned by the evaluator directly to: 招生 Office, mg游戏平台, 埃奇蒙特路33号, 普莱斯克岛,缅因州04769
  • 两项关于官方的机密建议 NMCC参考表格专业或 学术的人 (每年都需要新的建议). 请打印并使用 要求 建议形式.
  • 补充的问题 -候选人需要提交一系列由护理系教师和招生与外联主任制定的问题的打印答案.
  • 护士招生委员会的个人面试
  •  TEAS™-基本学术技能测试- NMCC管理
符合分班测试要求的考生进入入学过程的下一步:TEAS™测试和入学决定.  要检查您的申请状态,请登录 MyNMCC.  点击招生选项卡,在左侧的“招生”下, click (>) on Applicant Status > Folder Items > View Folder Items. 如果您在“尚未满足的要求”下有任何其他列表, you should submit those documents immediately in order to complete your file.  你必须有完整的档案供参考.  这是你的责任. **Applicants can take the pre-admission Nursing entrance exam (TEAS™) two times per application cycle. To ensure ample preparation the College recommends at least six weeks between separate testing attempts.  tea™分数在2年内都是好的. Test dates will be scheduled annually with additional test dates in the months of October, 11月, 和12月.

  • 考生必须创建一个帐户,注册并支付考试费用 www.atitesting.com.  ATI接受信用卡和借记卡.
  • Registration for any TEAS™ administration closes 48 hours prior to the test.  报名请早,名额有限. Refunds are 不 made for no-shows or cancellations within 48 hours before the test.
  • 一定要注明 北ME CC tea 在你的个人资料中.
  • 考生必须携带带照片的身份证和ATI身份证 – candidates without this information will 不 be admitted into the test session.  要查找您的ID,请在atitesting上登录您的帐户.com.  On the Student 首页 tab under My Account, click on the Go button to view your information. Late admission into the test session is 不 permitted; please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled test administration time.

tea测试将在NMCC校区进行 仅限NMCC护理申请者 在以下日期.  考试将在位于A区的考试中心进行.K. 科视大楼招生组.


















预测试学习手册可从ATI在线获得.  A wide variety of other no-cost study materials/guides is also available online.  All students are strongly encour年龄d to prepare for the test prior to taking it.



护理课程的选择过程包括对每个申请人的学术历史进行客观评估,包括先决条件和大学水平的课程, 入学前测试结果, 补充问题回答, 参考文献, 还有个人面试. 护士入学委员会审查所有符合条件的候选人,并将建议转发给NMCC招生主任. 要获得认真考虑,申请人必须:

  • Successfully complete the TEAS™ with the minimum adjusted individual scores of Reading 73.8; Math 70.0; Science 52.1; English and Langu年龄 Us年龄 63.3; Composite 65.
  • Earn A’s or B’s in all prerequisite coursework (higher grades carry more weight in the selection process);
  • Earn A’s or B’s in academic courses (high school and/or college) relevant to the nursing program;
  • Provide well-constructed, thoughtful answers to the supplemental questions;
  • 向了解你的长处的人寻求推荐,尤其是在成为一名护士方面. 请记住,这些建议是保密的,这些建议的内容不会透露给你.

Personal interviews are used as part of the selection criteria; interviews are scheduled with each candidate when all documentation and TEAS exam results have been received.


  • NMCC Immunizations Requirement and Physical Exam Form – NOTE: All Immunizations, 滴度, 根据NMCC免疫要求和体格检查表的要求进行体格检查,必须由适当的有执照的医疗保健提供者完成并记录.
  • 健康的库存
  • 录取通知书表格
  • American Heart Association Basic Life 支持 for Healthcare Providers Level certification

Once all of this information is received, an official letter of acceptance will be forwarded to you.


持牌实习护士申请人; 至少一年以上工作经验; must meet the general requirements of NMCC and the following requirements:

9月1日或之后申请项目入学st 下一年入职(i.e. 9月. 1、2021年(2022年春季)

  • Submit application and application fee along with all 要求 documentation:
    • 提交高中和大学成绩单
    • 提交当前(接受时)LPN许可证的证明.  注意:LPN许可证必须在整个程序中有效.
    • 实践护理教育的成绩单(在接受之前),表明成功完成了国家委员会批准的与缅因州实践护理课程类似的实践护理课程.
    • 最近雇主提供的两份与护理相关的推荐信.
    • 补充问题-候选人需要提交一系列由护理系教师开发的问题的打印答案.
  • 成功修毕下列通识教育课程:
    • 解剖学 & Physiology I and II w/lab (within the last 10 years of application date)
    • 英语作文
    • 大学代数和/或定量推理


  • 最好在所有必修课程中取得A或B的成绩(分数越高,在选择过程中越重要)
  • Provide well-constructed, thoughtful answers to the supplemental questions;
  • 向了解你的长处的人寻求推荐,尤其是在成为一名护士方面.  请记住,推荐信是保密的,这些推荐信的内容和/或在选择过程中分配的分数将不会被透露;

Personal interviews are used as part of the selection criteria; interviews are scheduled with each candidate when all documentation has been received.


  • 甄选入校候选人 必须提供 所有必需的文件和存款 by the date stated in pre-admission letter or admission will be revoked.
    • 医疗合规、免疫接种、健康体检/清查等.
    • 背景调查
    • 教室里的存款
    • 承诺函
    • American Heart Association Basic Life 支持 for Healthcare Providers certification

在成功满足上述要求后, lpn将获得ALH124学分, NUR100, NUR117, 和NUR125(相当于 第一个 护理专业的学期课程).





